Friday, November 25, 2011

Tis the season to get ready.

Thanksgiving has ended and Christmas is approaching. The tree has officially made its way out of the box, as you can see the guys at CC Fuchu are "busy" getting the decorations in order. Time flies too quick, I can still remember celebrating Christmas with my family as if it was last month.

7 ft in Japan: Gabriel Hughes

Meet Gabriel, currently Gabriel plays center for the Saitama Broncos in Tokorozawa. Its wonderful to see a Christian brother on the court with a heavenly mindset. The average height in Japan is 1.71 Meters (5 ft. 7 1/2 in.), it is quite a sight for the Japanese peopl to see a 7 footer walking around in Mainland Japan. God bless you Gabriel, continue to rep the King on the court! (I don't mean Lebron)

Thanksgiving feast: Part 2

Thursday was a workday for those at WeGoEigo but that doesn't mean we can't chow down while we work. Thursday was a special day for the Parents and kids at the preschool. As you can see, there is lots of food. We should always remember to give God thanks everyday for His blessings and provisions.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Audio update with Pastor Jerry.

Pastor Jerry pastors my home church in Corona California called "Living Water". The Lord has put it one his heart recently to get an update from the missionaries that have been sent out from the church.

To hear of all that God has been doing in my life and of what is to come please click on the link to hear of what's going on. The audio isn't long (about 15 min).

God Bless!

CC Fuchu Thanksgiving gathering

Japan has a similar Thanksgiving day but it is celebrated on the Wednesday before America's thanksgiving. Some of the body at CC Fuchu gathered to celebrate both Thanksgiving days at the church. It was a wonderful time, plus, Mariko brought some of her friends from school to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. The saying is always true "The more the merrier".

One Happy Birthday Boy

Sunday was Tokito's 22nd Birthday. By looking at his big smile you can already tell he is one happy man! On Saturday Tokito went to Tokyo Disney with most of the missionaries from Fuchu along with some parents and their kids from WeGoEigo. Tokito is one happy fellow! Plus, the church celebrated his birthday with an ice cream cake from 31 Baskins Robbins. Nothing was held back for him, Happy Birthday Tokito!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Tokorozawa Missionary File #2: Mike Snider.

Michael Snider is a man who has been serving here in Japan for the past 4 years (rough estimate) with Pastor Travis. Snider has a unique childhood background having grown up for a little bit of time in Hong Kong and in both the West and East Coast in America. It is wonderful to see Snider serving the Lord, please keep him in prayer as he is continually open and seeking what the Lord wants him to do.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11. Once every hundred years

11.11.11. only comes every hundred years so the guys at CC Fuchu did a little celebration to mark this day by eating ice cream. Not only were us in Tokyo eating ice cream but so did our brothers and sisters in Okinawa do this as well.

CC Fuchu missionaries.

Check out this pack of good looking dudes. It is amazing to see how God works, all of us missionaries in Fuchu have been brought together by God to do His work.

Beautiful Okutama.

Mainland Japan is truly a beautiful place. Being in Okutama reminded me the words of Paul in Romans, all men are able to know and understand of a One, True and Living God by looking at nature. Our God is a wonderful God and looking at His Creation is such a wonderful action.

Who is this guy??

What a total surprise and blessing to have seen Chuck Robb attend the conference. Recently, both Chuck and his wife Yumi moved from Okinawa to start a church up in the Miyagi-ken (Tohoku) area. God has stirred the Robb's hearts to minister to those affected in the tsunami-disaster area. Please continue to keep them in prayer as they are currently looking for a house to live.

Former Graduate, Present day Missionaries.

Check these two good looking guys taking a picture next to Logan. Jon Piper and Dean (Center and Right) are both graduates of Calvary Chapel Bible College and also former students of CCBC Okinawa. Both Jon and Dean are serving the Lord as missionaries, Jon is now ministering at CC Iwakuni Japan with Pastor Mike Silva and Dean is at CC Cheonan S.Korea. It is great to see these two men continue to serve the Lord after they had dedicated themselves to solely study God's Word for 2 years!!!

Question and Answer with Pastor Bill Stonebreaker

Those who were considered "young" in age were allowed to attend a special Q & A time with Pastor Bill to ask questions concerning being in ministry and how to perform top notch for God. It was a good time to hear from Pastor Bill and how he trains up those in his church who want to be used for the Lord. As D.L. Moody once said "Consecrate then Concentrate", it is always important to keep one's self consecrated for the Lord and the work He has for each and every one of us.

Japan conference Okutama: "Simply, Grace"

Calvary Chapel Tokorozawa hosted a conference only for those who are Pastors and missionaries in Japan. The event was held up at a mountain city called Okutama. Here is the main lodge that the conference was held, the picture doesn't look as big but it is huge in side.

There were many who came from all over Japan from up North Hokkaido to down south Okinawa. As you can see the picture the lodge is huge inside. It was great fellowship at Okutama. The conference also had guest speaks. Pastor Bill Stonebreaker from CC Honolulu Hawaii came and taught some of the teachings.

Logos Ministries: Kiyomasa San

This past Friday me and Asher went to lead worship for Kiyomasa at Ochanomizu. It was a blessing to have been able to play worship for the body of Logos Ministries. Kiyomasa and his wife Taeko are a tag-team couple. Both are busy ministering for the Lord. Kiyomasa has been gone from Japan for a limited time performing missionary work but now the Lord has called him and his wife back to Japan to start a church and minister to his fellow people.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Missionary Dean Pera.

Here's Dean Pera who has been a missionary in Korea for the past 3 months. Dean is a good friend of mine, I've known Dean since the beginning of my Bible College days. It has been a blessing to have seen Dean throughout my life since I've met him. Me and Dean has been through the "thick of it" being in classes together to serving in ministry at CCBC Okinawa. Dean is a testimony to all those who desire to do great things for the Lord. God has brought him to Korea due to his open heart to simply perform whatever the Lord has called him and placed upon him to do. God is awesome at work in people's lives and Dean is a testimony of these words......... Continue to be blessed Dean!

Familiar Faces! #2

Here's Pastor Masaru who is the senior pastor at Calvary Chapel Naha in Okinawa Japan. It was a total shock that to see him be at the seminar but a blessing nonetheless. Masaru came up to mainland early to attend the up coming pastoral/ leadership conference Calvary Chapel Tokorozawa is hosting.
Continue to serve the Lord, Pastor Masaru.

Familiar Faces!

It was a total blessing to have seen the Toma family attend the IBS seminar. The Toma family is apart of Campus Crusade for Christ and began their over seas ministry in Okinawa Japan. God has then called the Toma family up to the Sendai area to reach out to the japanese people and house missionaries who minister up to the disaster relief. Continue to pray for the Tomas and the ministry and area that they are serving.  

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Calvary Kokubunji/ Pastor Dan Finfrock: IBS Seminar

Calvary Chapel Kokubunji is hosting a two day IBS seminar. The IBS classes are taught by Pastor Dan Finfrock (right) who has been teaching IBS classes for the past 20 years all over the world. I.B.S. stands "Inductive Bible Study". Pastor Dan shows and teaches people how to properly study God's Word by themselves without the help of looking at a Bible commentary. As Pastor Dan has taught this class all over the world he focuses on many third-world countries where Bible resources are very limited and if none at all. Thus far the seminar has been a blessing for those who have attended and we are sure the last day will be a blessing as well. Keep doing your thang Pastor Dan!!!

Good bye Caroline!

Wednesday night was a bitter sweet night. Bitter because it was Caroline's last night in Japan but sweet in that we were able to have one last prayer-meeting with her. Here's the CCFuchu body putting up one last "Shaka pose" before she leaves to the airport. Don't worry Rich, Caroline plans on returning next year for a longer period of time, you haven't lost one English teacher for good! Take care Caroline, may God continue to lead you in His Grace and Mercy.